Wednesday, October 13, 2010


So I ran into the guy sporting a soul patch yesterday and there's something a little different about him. His energy is lighter. He seems a little happier. Good for you, mister!!
He says he bought a gift for me and in true Soulpatch-guy fashion he thought better of it and was going to keep it for himself. Hmph. I snatched it right from him. Yes, yes, it IS the thought that counts, but as my dearest friend would say, howevahhh...

The gift was a book. And not and audio book either! Woo-Hoo Soulpatch-guy! The book is written by Alex A. Lluch and Dr. Helen Eckmann and is titled Simple Principles To Enjoy Life and Be HAPPY. (I knew there was something different about him!) Yea, HAPPY. Not Happy. Or happy. But HAPPY. There's also a little emblem thingy in the top right corner that says "All you need to know". Hmmmmm.
All I need to know about the HAPPY, delivered by Soulpatch-guy? Curiosity got the best of me. With the book in my hand, I quickly turned on my heel, thanked him for the book and for thinking of me, and set off to read this HAPPY manual.

Much to my surprise every single thing that I need to know about being HAPPY is contained inside of these 272 pages! Hmph!
Eat well!
Get enough rest!
Move it!
Organize your environment! (this includes your schedule, I think)
Forgive yourself and others!
Focus on solutions, not problems!
Release the need to be correct!
Donate! Time, Talent, and Treasure!
Cry when you need to!
Don't keep score!
Be aware that you are what you think!
Love the person in the mirror!
Don't compare yourself to others!
And love this...
If you are unhappy about something, do something about it!
This is a great reminder that you are in charge of your own HAPPY! I am in charge of my own HAPPY. That is great news. That means we can be as HAPPY as we decide to be!

Although the book mentions nothing about egg shakers or the sacred chocolate supply, still it was spot on.
So as we enter the 4th quarter of the DO OVER called last January, what are you doing to get a hold of your HAPPY?
I still have a lot of work to do. I still tend to get derailed easily in many areas. Time to get back to the business of this DO OVER.
A good start will be some gratitude.

Now I think I'll have a walk along the Manasquan Reservoir.