Sunday, January 24, 2010

Cheap Livin'

Ok, so here we are 3 weeks into 2010.
How're those resolutions going?

I made a mistake in spending on my last grocery bill so I'm calling a DO OVER and promise to do better. In doing so I want to open a forum of $$ saving techniques that work for you.

Did you ever see one of those magazines that has a cover story telling you how you can save a zillion dollars a zillion different ways, cut costs, etc etc etc?
Here's what I learned. Start by not buying the magazine!!! Jeeze. This is in the same category as those cover stories that promise you can lose 75lbs by next Tuesday; oh and try this cake recipe. REALLY?? So much irony surrounds.
With a little forethought and planning all of this can be avoided including the purchase of said magazine.

I make my menu for the week up on Sunday morning and go to the market Sunday afternoon. I stick to the list of only things I'll need for that week. This is a relatively newer practice for me. It makes me have to make do sometimes on Fri and Sat! But that's what livin' on the cheap is all about; having a really good think and making do.
I also stay the heck out of warehouse stores. There are only four people in my house. I do not need 700 of anything.

This is easy stuff if you just wrap your head around it a little.
There's a list of questions I fire at my clients and I didn't even pick up in a magazine. Let's smoke some wood...

Do you use nicotine products?
I quit in 05...NOT EASY!!! Think about health risk. Think about all that money. Even if its just a pack each week. That's what, seven bucks? That'll be $28 a month for a total of $336 a year. What if it's a pack a day? Seven dollars a DAY?? That'll be fifty a week, $200 a month and enough to fund a fat Roth IRA!

Buying lunch or bringing lunch?
This is a no brainer. Cheaper. Healthier. Brown baggier. (but better to get a reusable one)

Bottled freakin' water.
Really? I am guilty. I put it in my kids lunches. I use a Britta in the house. So if you need water to go, how 'bout a Britta at the office too? Okay. Fair enough. Reusable bottles are now on my list for the kids lunches. Jeeze, if our society isn't all about convenience. (myself included)

Buying coffee or carrying a to-go mug?
Mmmm a caffiene habit myself. But lets do some math here. Even if I am buying Wawa's cheapest $1.25 cup o' joe every day that adds up to $8.75 a week.
For easy math purposes let's say $9 x 52(weeks)= $468. That my friends is a new Coach bag once a year; twice if I shop the outlets! Or, in more practical terms that could be the window repair I've been ignoring, the new drapes 'cause those are just silly, 9 TANKS OF GAS, 3/4 of our family gym membership, a month of groceries etc....

How about splurgy things?
I love to be pampered. I love a spa experience. I love things that smell good.
But I do it on the cheap. I mix my own scrub with olive oil and sugar. I add essential oils to fragrance. There is not one product that moisturises me better! I light a canlde, some incense (nag champa!!) play some meditation music and soak the week away. Yes, once a week I do this. It totally quiets my head, centers me, and stops me from thinking that I need stuff to make me happy. Be creative with this one. You can spoil yourself without breaking the bank.

I also L-O-V-E a good hearty red wine.
And I mean LOVE! A great one to try is Gascon Malbec. It's Argentinian and I don't think I paid more than $12. for it. It pairs well with mild cheeses, peppery crackers and fruit. Mmmmm...I could make a meal out of that!!

Chocolate any one?
Every night there is a piece dark chocolate on my pillow.
Let's face it, a little indulgence goes a long way. Some days I wake up thinking about and waiting for that piece o' heaven. Costs me five bucks a month for that indulgence. By the way, did you know that chocolate and cocaine stimulate the same area of the brain? 'Nuff said, but perhaps I shouldn't have it before sleep??

Hair and nails?
I have to admit, I do spend on my hair. I haven't found a stylist on the cheap. My guy just really knows what to do so I work it in! Sorry kids, pasta week when Momma's hair gets done.
Manicures I do myself. Pedicures I do with my youngest daughter. Soaking feet together for a half hour (in the tub with sea salt, lavender, peppermint and olive oil) is just priceless and you won't get that in any salon!

Enough on splurges.
I have a book habit. I am a bit of a junkie. I have learned that you can get most any book you want reeeeaally cheap on They have used, in good condition starting at $.01. Yes. ONE CENT! My most recent purchase was $.45 and had a Guardian Angel prayer card tucked in it as an added bonus.
Yes, my town has a library. You should see the new wing they built on. It was funded in large part by my fines alone. If you are disciplined enough, the library is a better bet over Amazon. For me, Amazon is the lesser of the two.

Consignment shops!
WOOT! Shoutin' out to my girl Melody who owns the new one down here. Let me tell you!
As part of the BIG DO OVER I've been redecorating my 17 y/o daughter's room. It is so different than EVER! All girled a glammed up with a fancy bed frame and chandelier. (I installed a chandelier, can you stand it?) We found the sweetest vanity table and so many many nicer and better made things than you would find say at your local retail establishment. This stuff has dove tail construction! And they nearly give it away! Try it. We did shop it all out and found our favorite stuff used and less expensive.

I do try to be as energy conscious as possible. This is easy too. Shut it off!! I impose television and computer fasts in my house. Quitcher bellyachin and get the heck outside!
Our electric co has a great budget plan. Our oil company does too with repair and maintenance built right in. We also participate in a 'time of day' program. Most of our energy is used in off peak hours. It does add a savings.

Nothing beats a walk in the park. If you're like me though, one rainy day can turn into two weeks of no walk and a very sad Mookie. I joined the Y this year with the kids. Signed up for classes and we do some random swimming. Great fun and cheap! I actually landed there in search of good yoga. For less than the cost of membership to the yoga studio not only I, but WE get the whole dang Y. Life is good.

So, to be fair, those magazines do offer some good advice but I find it all rather lofty. Join coupon co-ops on the internet? Really? Who's got that kind of time?
You can buy eyeglass frames on the internet for as low as eight bucks, but don't you want to try them on?

How about some real life solutions to our real life everyday stuff? I welcome open dialogue on this one. Let's all really have a think and share. Let's get creative.
Let's focus on it.

I look forward to your responses!