Thursday, January 7, 2010


Ha Ha...It's a random Thursday!

Good news...
about that $1.46M....
I found ten bucks in my coat pocket. That leaves $ 1,459,990. to go! WOOOT!
See? It's comin!

It's all about perspective. My hair dresser pointed that out to me this week. As he was clipping my bangs he'd take 2 snips and 2 steps back, come back and 2 snips, 2 steps, 2 snips, 2 steps. He told me he was doing that so he could gain better perspective of the whole picture. Otherwise he'd just be looking at hairs.
How smart is this guy???

So often we can get caught up in the "hairs" that we never appreciate the beauty of the whole style. The furnace goes, the lamp breaks, the car needs service, one of the kids forgot their lunch, one of the kids is sick while you're away, the computer craps out, the dog craps in, etc. It is so easy to get caught up in these details!
Keeping a broader perspective helps in rising above the details.

Maybe you had an arguement with someone you love. Instead of looking at the hairs of who said what, who was right, who started it etc, rise above to the broader perspective. What is this person's intent? If it's blatant disregard or disrespect that's one thing. What I have learned is that mostly people operate from a place of love whether or not they communicate it well. Better to split these hairs, or find that place of peace that comes from letting go of the details for the greater good.

Maybe you're not doing so great at work. Clients aren't returning calls, sales are down, can't generate the interest, boss is on your back, deadlines are actually killing you, students still have winter break on the brain, etc. Does this mean you stink? NO!! Rise above and get a broader perspective. Look at all you have done, all you are capable of, call the DO OVER and DO IT!

Take it from this broad. Perspective is everything. This point has recently been driven home in my life. For some reason, at times other people seem to know better about my life than I do and have no problem telling me so. Used to be I'd meet this behavior with a counter attack and constant justification for my position. Then they'd blow. Then I'd blow. Then we'd just be a couple of blow hards with no resolution.

This year, in keeping with the them of peace, love, strength (and cash) I release that need to fight back and justify myself. I seek perspective for the other person's point of view. I seek to understand their true intent. There are many who care enough to add their perspective. That can only be good, right?

I won't let the "details" get me down. Hey! I have a heated home. The furnace needs service, but I have heat for my home!

I refuse to split hairs with myself at work. I have tremendous opportunity for myself and to share. Time to fine tune and change what isn't working and get on with what works!

Look at the whole cut, not just the hairs.

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