Monday, January 4, 2010


Good Morning.
So, here we are doing it over. Officially, I suppose as it is Monday; the mother of Mondays in 2010. Hmm. But don't forget that a do over can also happen on a random Thursday!

This year's vision board contains very general themes of peace, love and strength.
It makes great sense given the turbulent times we've come from. I am hoping (planning?) for a bit of prosperity as well!

My absolute favorite thing on this board is a quote from Christopher Robin to Pooh.
(added by my youngest)
"Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe and stronger than you seem and smarter than you think."
I just love that and it fits in so well with the doing over and selection of new goals, hopes and dreams.
Though no one has shared yet, I won't hold back!

The events over the last 5 years, 2008 & 9 in particular have screamed this brave, strong and smart theme to me. At the same time, through out the entire process the Universe (God, Alla, Buddha, whomever you chose) has provided every single thing I've ever needed to do every single thing I needed to do! Having said that, I don't know if bravery and blind faith are interchangeable or exact opposites. What I do know is that I have never and will never doubt that there is a Great Force I refer to as God, Alla, Great Spirit, Father Sun, Mother Earth, Nature, Goddess, the Universe etc. All these mean the same to me.

This Universe, I believe, continually supports and provides. I have noticed that it can only provide in the positive. Based on my particular beliefs and experiences, the Universe says only YES to me. Ex.--Geeze, I'm putting on weight. YES! Not only are my pants tight, but the check book is too! YES!
This marriage; ugh! YES! My kids are getting out of hand. YES! Get it? Conversely, the Universe has given the YES to other thoughts. My kids are a delight. YES! There is enough to go around. YES! Love IS the answer. YES! (more on that in future blogs) OH, I have to take Cait to AZ for alternative treatment? Oh, not covered by insurance and I don't know a soul? Gotta do it. We're gonna do it and it'll be ok. YES!!

We made the decision and I took her out there for the better part of 2008. The best part of that story is the friends we made while being strangers in a strange land. It was very Moses-esque wandering in the desert and all. There are beautiful people who held our hands and our hearts along that leg of the journey and continue to.
Also, we raised the money. Donations came in from family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, STRANGERS, etc. The whole experience was astounding. Not only did we raise enough for treatment, but there was enough for Caiti to really live life to the fullest every time she wanted to. Really. Very nice apartments in the nicest parts of town, regular massages, jeep tours to the mountain tops because she couldn't hike, sight seeing, movies, high end shopping in Scottsdale, gourmet meals, cupcakes, etc.

Somehow, I was given the gifts I needed to withstand and bear all the parts that were not so fun. The no sugar, wheat, or dairy diet. Try telling your teenager that! The after effects of radiation were horrible for her. I remember being torn between staring at her and hiking Camelback with her sister to blow off steam. (Invariably we'd find heart shaped rocks on that mountain. Every time. I view them as a wink from God himself sending love notes) Advocating for her among doctors, pharmacists, insurance providers was interesting. Who knew one could learn all that lingo? And then toward the end, carrying oxygen tanks, stopping every three feet to breathe, 3am coughing spells, etc...watching her health decline...

While parts were excruciating for her and for me, my point is, all the brave, strong, and smart was provided to get through it and what occurred after. How much in your life have you gotten through? The brave strong and smart is a part of us all. Stay with me here, it is relevant!

SO, goals, hopes, dreams for 2010?
Yea, among the love, peace, and strength, this year I am going for the cash option as well.
I've sorted it out. $1.46M ought to be enough to pay off my mortgage; the one here and on the house I'll be buying in AZ. It's enough to invest for college. It's enough to give some to people I care about. It's enough for that robins egg blue Ford Thunderbird convertible with the white leather interior!
I know it's out there for me. It's just a matter of connecting to it!

Whether it comes in a lump or I have to work my tail off is irrelevant but I am going to go to work now just in case!

The universe will provide. Don't forget to ask for yours; what ever it may be.



  1. Michelle: you continue to amaze and inspire me! Goals/visions for 2010? Wow, I have seldom been able to look ahead to one day let alone a whole year. Who am I kidding sometimes I can barely see clearly to the next hour!

    But my friend, I see this as a challange. I think I NEED to start some "visioning" of my own. For now I'm sticking to the short term if that's okay; my current goal is just to survive the plane ride to Africa and back next month. But that is a vision in some regards; it will be participating and completing my husbands vision since he is no longer here to see it through, is that good enough for now?!

    Those long hours coming home will give me plenty of time to think about the rest of the year!

    Although I still wonder daily about the "why" of what happened to my family in 08 and will never understand it; I do know that God has placed some remarkable people in our path in the aftermath. I know we have all be blessed to know you and your kids.....thanks for continuing to inspire! See you thursday!


  2. Thank you, Beth.
    Please remember that your journey is yours and no two are alike. You do what works for you!
    And be gentle gentle GENTLLLLLLE with yourself!
    What ever is good enough for you is GOOD ENOUGH in fact it's GREAT!

    I am a "rip the bandaid" kind of girl.
    I spent the last part of 09 redecorating Jacki's room to reflect not a trace of Cait save for a picture or 2. I also made my space my own. I did this in between sobs and hours at a time on the couch.
    I have a need to look forward. If a year is too much, break it down to quarters or months. Just set the tone...and remember...there is always room for a DO OVER no matter how it goes!!

    AFRICA!!!??!!! I remember you talking about this. Is it a school or an orphanage? This is a huge undertaking and just plenty to look forward to and visualise. Completing your husband's dream is amazing. Your strength astounds me also.

    Go easy with the "why". It'll do your head in.
    Peace and Blessings till next time.
